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Connecticut IEEE-PES Seminar Electricity Auctions for Deregulated Electricity Markets
March 29, 2017 @ 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Traditionally, electricity customers were served by vertically integrated utilities with generators and transmission and distribution networks. As dependence on a reliable supply of electricity grew and electricity was transported over increasingly greater distances, power pools were formed and interconnections developed. Then in the last decade of the 20th century, the industry began to be deregulated as motivated by competitiveness. Some states, however, pulled back following the California electricity crisis of 2000 and 2001.
In wholesale electricity markets, auction mechanisms are used by Independent System Operators (ISO) to select supply offers and demand bids for energy and ancillary services. How many ISOs are in the nation? What kinds of markets are there to ensure reliability of electricity services? How are auctions formulated? How are they solved? In this talk, ISOs in the nation will be introduced. Wholesale market structures and auction mechanisms will be presented. Mathematical formulations of day-ahead energy markets and corresponding solution methodologies will be highlighted. Our latest results in collaboration with ISO-New England, MISO Energy, General Electric, and Southern California Edison, including consideration of combined cycle units and integration of renewables such as wind and solar will be discussed.
Speaker Bio:Peter B. Luh received his B.S. from National Taiwan University, M.S. from M.I.T., and Ph.D. from Harvard University. He has been with the University of Connecticut since 1980, and currently is the SNET Professor of Communications & Information Technologies. Professor Luh is a Life Fellow of IEEE, and a member of IEEE TAB Periodicals Committee. He was the VP of Publications of IEE Robotics and Automation Society (RAS, 2008-2011), the founding Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering (2003-2007), and the Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation (1999-2003). His research interests include Smart Power Systems and Microgrids – smart grid, auction methods for electricity markets, effective renewable (wind and solar) integration to the grid, electricity load and price forecasting, and micro grids; Energy Efficient and Safe Buildings – optimized energy management, HVAC fault detection and diagnosis, emergency crowd guidance, and eco communities; and Intelligent Manufacturing Systems – planning, scheduling, and coordination of design, manufacturing, and service activities; intelligent manufacturing systems, smart power systems, and smart and green buildings. He received IEEE Robotics and Automation Society (RAS) 2013 Pioneer Award for his pioneering contributions to the development of near-optimal and efficient planning, scheduling, and coordination methodologies for manufacturing and power systems. He is this year’s recipient of the RAS George Saridis Leadership Award for his exceptional vision and leadership in strengthening and advancing Automation in the RAS.
Speaker(s): Dr. Peter B. Luh,
Room: 309
Bldg: Laurel Hall
University of Connecticut
Storrs, Connecticut