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Large Scale Generator Interconnection Processes and Challenges

June 14, 2023 @ 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

With the United States’ ambitious renewable energy goals, the demand for large-scale (>20MW) generator interconnection (GI) services has increased significantly, leading to longer interconnection queues and longer wait times for developers. Understanding how large-scale projects are studied in the interconnection process is crucial for developers, policy makers, and other stakeholders involved in the renewable energy sector. Transmission Service Providers (TSPs) are responsible for studying and evaluating large-scale generator interconnection requests to ensure the safe and reliable integration of new energy resources into the electric grid. TSPs use a variety of technical studies to evaluate the impacts of large-scale GI requests. These processes and technical studies can vary by region and can significantly impact the feasibility of a renewable energy project. This presentation will provide a high-level overview of the interconnection processes for large-scale generator projects in the United States. We will explore a variety of different study practices, including those in MISO, PJM, SPP, ERCOT, and TSPs in the Western Interconnect. The presentation will also touch base on challenges TSPs are experiencing with the volume of GI requests in queues across the country. Co-sponsored by: Apex Clean Energy Speaker(s): Sarah Davis, Sangeetha Rajasekeran , Jillian Huweart Agenda: 12:00 PM – 12:05 PM – IEEE PES Baltimore chapter introduction of the Speaker 12:05 PM – 12:40 PM – Presentation by Speaker 12:40 PM to 12:55 PM – Questions and Answers (Q&A) Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/361500

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