PACE Workshop in Intellectual Property

Room: Connecticut Room, Bldg: Memorial Hall

Co-sponsored by: This workshop is one of a continuing series held in March/April and November each year catering to the professional development of IEEE members. This session's topic is intellectual property, given by IEEE member T. David Bomzer who is now a patent attorney with Cantor Colburn LLP. Speaker(s): T. David Bomzer, Agenda: 9:30 -- 10:00 Registration and breakfast 10:00 -- 10:15 Introduction to PACE 10:15 -- 11:15 Intellectual Property – David Bomzer, Cantor Colburn LLP 11:15 -- 11:45 Q&A 11:45 -- 12:30 Lunch/Planning future PACE events: What topics are of interest? 12:30 -- Closing Remarks Location: Room: Connecticut Room Bldg: Memorial Hall Central Connecticut State University 1615 Stanley Street New Britain, Connecticut 06050

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