PPPEAC Meeting, Lab Tour at Rowan Univ., and PELS Distinguished Lecture “Modern Power Conversion Solutions – From Electric Power Grids to Aerospace Power Applications” by Brandon Grainger, University of Pittsburgh.

Bldg: 9, 600 North Campus Drive, Glassboro, New Jersey, United States, 08028, Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/412844

Save the date! (https://magna-power.us3.list-manage.com/track/click?u=e2fe0e8d3cf04e0c5cc5f2f5d&id=e159e215fb&e=190a0955fb) is hosting the next IEEE PELS/IAS Chapter meeting on April 12th in Glassboro, NJ. Event highlights include: - Overview by ECE Department Head of the Rowan (https://magna-power.us3.list-manage.com/track/click?u=e2fe0e8d3cf04e0c5cc5f2f5d&id=5b060f9d9f&e=190a0955fb). - A walking lab tour of (https://magna-power.us3.list-manage.com/track/click?u=e2fe0e8d3cf04e0c5cc5f2f5d&id=b44d553963&e=190a0955fb) - (https://magna-power.us3.list-manage.com/track/click?u=e2fe0e8d3cf04e0c5cc5f2f5d&id=16f9c5fa7c&e=190a0955fb) about Modern Power Conversion Solutions – From Electric Power Grids to Aerospace Power Applications by Brandon Grainger, University of Pittsburgh. The talk continues our theme at the meeting in September, (https://magna-power.us3.list-manage.com/track/click?u=e2fe0e8d3cf04e0c5cc5f2f5d&id=e2176878f3&e=190a0955fb), which was published in the (https://magna-power.us3.list-manage.com/track/click?u=e2fe0e8d3cf04e0c5cc5f2f5d&id=c25094653c&e=190a0955fb), and includes a picture of everyone who made it to this sold-out event In-person guests will need to register using the Eventbrite. We have reduced the fee to $6, but it is non-refundable this time. The fee will be used to subsidize the Eventbrite service fees, travel expenses for the invited speaker, feeding guests, etc. Each chapter event is a fiscal loss for us, the paid registration discourages no shows and limits our losses. Virtual guests can attend for free with the help of our neighbor (https://magna-power.us3.list-manage.com/track/click?u=e2fe0e8d3cf04e0c5cc5f2f5d&id=c942b1b0ac&e=190a0955fb) who will be moderating. Click the link below to register (required) and schedule a calendar invite. Parking Information and Location for Rowan University: Educational Credits- We have had numerous requests to offer CEU and PEH credits at our events. At the end of the event contact Fei Lui (fei.lu@drexel.edu), where you will be asked to complete an evaluation form. Credits are being offered to in-person guests. Arrival- Visitors can park for free in Lot D, which is next to Engineering Hall (Building 10). Meeting is taking place in Rowan Hall Auditorium (Building 9) as highlighted in the bottom of the announcement, as taken from the (https://magna-power.us3.list-manage.com/track/click?u=e2fe0e8d3cf04e0c5cc5f2f5d&id=577191c58b&e=190a0955fb). Co-sponsored by: Rowan University Speaker(s): Dr. Brandon Grainger Agenda: 6:00PM Start walking tour of the labs 6:30PM Self-serve pizza, soda, water, cookies. Take to seats. 6:35PM Introduction to Rowan by (https://www.linkedin.com/in/robi-polikar-a110198/), Head of the Rowan ECE Department 6:50PM PELS/IAS Chapter update by Chapter Chair (https://www.linkedin.com/in/d-vishram/) 7:00PM (https://www.linkedin.com/in/brandon-grainger-ph-d-smieee-89922a15/) from Univ. of Pittsburgh will present, Modern Power Conversion Solutions – From Electric Power Grids to Aerospace Power Applications. 7:50PM Question and answer 8:00PM Socialization and networking 8:30PM Meeting adjourned Bldg: 9, 600 North Campus Drive, Glassboro, New Jersey, United States, 08028, Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/412844

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