A time to get together to learn about GitHub and how people can use it to build their portfolio and better present themselves for jobs and internships. Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/282711
Volunteer and attend the first Makerspace CT Maker Battle: watch remote-controlled robots clash in a thrilling single-elimination tournament! Only one bot will be crowned Maker Battle Champion! See the attached flyer for more details. Come meet and greet fellow roboticists in the CT area and spectate robot battles (following SPARC regulations). MakerspaceCT members and volunteers can attend for free, (https://www.eventbrite.com/e/maker-battle-2021-tickets-162084429893). Want to compete yourself? The (https://www.robotcombatevents.com/events/608) fee is $40.00. Sign up to (https://forms.gle/e5eiJD3E94TaStQL6) and assist with breakdown and setup of arenas. To enhance the event and promote it moving forward, you can also help by (https://app.makerspacect.com/makerbattlefund) towards arena equipment. We hope to help with the continuation of such events for roboticists in CT. Agenda: Robot Contest: 10/2 12.00-5.00 PM Volunteer: fill out (https://forms.gle/e5eiJD3E94TaStQL6) to be assigned a role and timeslot. Some tasks may be assigned for 10/1 and some after the event. MakerspaceCT, 36 Talcott St, Hartford, Connecticut, United States, 06103
Grab your friends/coworkers, a comfortable seat, and your thinking caps! The chance to battle for some intangible nerd points and bragging rights is coming up again on October 5th, 2021 with another IEEE SAC\YP (Virtual) Trivia night! Here's what you'll need: 1.) A smart phone or other device where you can log into a livestream- this is how you'll see our hosts (all those registered will get a link emailed the day of the event) 2.) A second device: a smart phone, tablet, or computer. This is how you'll access our quiz 3.) If you want to speak with your trivia team virtually, we suggest setting up digital session via Zoom, Google Meet, Skype, or Group FaceTime Your digital answer sheet will be a Google Form. Links for the livestream and answer sheet will be emailed to all those that register by 5:00 PM on October 5th! Rules: 1.) No cheating please! 2.) You can play solo OR as a team. If more than one person from ONE TEAM submits answers, we'll take the score that is HIGHEST. RSVP for the event here, but also REGISTER YOUR TEAM HERE: https://forms.gle/sfS6zfz2bs2PmggF7 Connecticut Section Affinity Group,YP Co-sponsored by: Connecticut Section Student Activities Hartford, Connecticut, United States, Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/281643