Posts tagged with: newsletter

Newsletter 2016/03

Dear Connecticut Section Member,  
This is our monthly newsletter reporting on events in Connecticut.
New Young Professionals (YP) Affinity Group
Saumya Sharma of ABB ( has successfully established a new Young Professionals Affinity Group in Connecticut and is the inaugural Chair of the group. The first event YP helped …

Newsletter 2016/02

Dear Connecticut Section Member,
Thank-you for the good feedback on the first newsletter!  We’ve had several good interactions, and I hope that they can continue.
Membership Reminder
If you have not renewed your membership for 2016, you have until February 20th. After that date, you will automatically lose …

Newsletter 2016/01

The aim for this first 2016 Newsletter is to give you information about what the Section did in 2015, and what the Section has to look forward to in 2016.
Future newsletters will be sent out after each Ex Com meeting.
My name is Peter Kootsookos, and …