Non-wires Alternatives: Analytics and Concepts in Changing Grid and A Changing Climate


This talk will discuss various aspects of non-wires alternatives (NWAs) and will attempt to bring together industry and academic perspectives on the topic. First, the talk will discuss popular NWA technologies and applications in power systems. Then, a discussion of the methods to optimize and operationalize NWA solutions will be presented, looked at from the perspective of the utility as well as third parties, like regulatory bodies, developers and electric customers. Finally, the talk will focus on two critical topics around implementation in today’s power systems: analytics tools that can support NWA analyses and how the NWA applicability, technologies, planning and generally “a-day-in-the-life-of” an NWA will change in light of climate change and associated country-wide mitigation and adaptation efforts. Co-sponsored by: Eversource Energy Center Speaker(s): Elli Ntakou, Virtual:

Invited Talk: Dr. Chetan Mishra


Access to physics-based models for simulation studies has always been crucial to power system analysis for operation and planning. The lack of accurate and transparent dynamic models, particularly for converter-interfaced resources like STATCOMs, solar PV, data centers, and so on, is one of the main problems utilities like Dominion face. In terms of time scales of dynamics, fault current, output uncertainty, protection, and other phenomena, these resources behave very differently from well-understood synchronous machines. Even worse, control settings are only revisited when a problem "grows significant enough" to cause assets to trip offline or at least trigger comfortably set alarms. Dominion Energy will describe its initiative to develop datadriven methods for early detection of dynamic performance issues and comprehension of their mechanism as well as the difficulties involved with real-world data analysis in this presentation using a solar PV oscillation case from their system. Virtual:

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